As we enter the Holiday season, we recognize that this is the perfect time of year to pause and reflect on all of our blessings and all that we are grateful for.

I personally feel blessed to be part of a company that believes we should do the same in our professional life. In November, we met for a two-day manager retreat to complete business training, develop our leadership skills, and most importantly, to spend some quality time with our coworkers in a relaxed environment. We continued to cultivate our knowledge in Excel, on our internal operating system, and on various topics like leading through generations and work-life balance.  

With all that said, I didn’t drive home after the retreat pondering the new possibilities of what I could do with my newly discovered Excel skills. I drove home thinking about my coworkers. Thinking how much I enjoyed talking to them and hearing about their personal lives, their struggles, and their successes. I drove home thinking about people.

It’s a consciousness that has stayed with me as I enter December. We may be dealing with co-workers, bosses, Lely personnel, farmers, etc., but what is the one thing these groups all have in common? We’re all people. And that is what I’m grateful for this year, the people in my life who I’ve built relationships with. 

At Lely Center Mid-Atlantic, we take that awareness with us into our daily activities. We don’t want to come service your farm or sell you a robot just because we need to keep the lights on. We want to do so because we recognize you as a person. We want to help you. We want to offer a solution to a problem you are facing. We want to make your life easier. And while we’re at it, we’d like to get to know you better and know what makes you, you.

Life is too short to go through the mundane without building relationships with the people you interact with each day. We hope you find time to pause in this Holiday season and reflect on all your blessings this year. If we haven’t had a chance to form a relationship with you yet, we look forward to doing so in the coming year.

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