If you would have asked me in March if I thought I would be writing a blog post in July about how busy we are, I would not have believed you. 2020 has been full of surprises, to say the least.
We started off 2020 extremely hopeful, as were many others. We were hopeful that milk price would see an increase with some stability, we were hopeful for new hires, and we were hopeful for big projects. We wanted to make big moves in our marketing, sales, and service departments.
March came around and those plans changed. When the coronavirus hit we had our hands full with understanding and trying to keep up with the changes to our business. Our primary focus was keeping our employees and customers safe. Things seemed to change daily. Service slowed in a big way. Projects that were already confirmed fell apart. It was a scary and uncertain time. We took one day at a time, put one foot in front of the other, plowed ahead where we could, and eventually things started to settle down.
June came and things started to look a little more optimistic. Milk futures showed a little more promise, customers received some recovery funds from USDA, and Lely ended a big promotion which allowed us to close numerous projects.
That brings us to July. We are hopeful and more importantly, we are grateful. July brings with it a Vector, Robot, and Collector project that we will begin installing. It also brings a new hire to our service department out of Leola, Josh Fria. We are excited to add Josh to the team! We look forward to a fall full of various installs and we know it will be a perfect opportunity to get Josh trained on all aspects of Lely quickly.
Nobody could have guessed how this year would unfold. We are grateful for our busy schedule for the remainder of the year, and we feel encouraged for our new Lely Center Mid-Atlantic customers that will begin their journey to live life Lely.